Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Question Group Tonight
Monday, October 11, 2010
How do I know if I have really turned my life over to God?
So, what is it gang? How do you know that you have turned your life over to God?
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Is predestination just?
Thursday, September 9, 2010
If life is going OK, why do I need God?
Monday, August 30, 2010
What is the point of church?
Thursday, August 26, 2010
How important is it that the events described in the OT happened historically?
Monday, August 23, 2010
What are the differences between brainwashing and engaging the truth?
Being a single man without children, I find such topics as child rearing very hard to access. However, considering my own experience as a child being reared, I do have opinions. Here's my question
What's the difference between brainwashing and presenting very young kids with a debatable story as though it were an unquestionable fact? For instance, we could use the scenario of teaching little kids in Sunday school the story that a man named Jonah lived in the belly of a whale for 3 days and 3 nights only to be vomited up alive and well.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Is Yoga Ok for Christians?
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
How can Christianity be right and other religions be "wrong"?
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Question about "Biblical" Scholarship vs. Secular Scholarship
Monday, August 2, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Interview with Professor Danny Carroll
Thursday, June 17, 2010
The value of a question
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Why preach?
What is the proper "method" to do "preaching" in a church? In this email the writer explained that he knew of "verse-by-verse" preaching as well as "topical" preaching. And he was trying to figure out which one was best in terms of helping him grow in understanding who God is and how to follow Him.
I have also received questions that go like this: what is the purpose of preaching at all? In this question the poor writer had experienced loads of woefully poor preaching and as a result was turned off by the whole concept.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Is God good?
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Why would God punish every human being for one man's mistake?
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
What is the relationship between science and faith?
Monday, April 19, 2010
I would like to believe but just can't
Below is a portion of an email I received after a Question Group.
I think it would be a great comfort to believe. My problem is that I am just not convinced. It still seems like it could be a fable … a set of stories that people have told themselves to feel safe, protected … to give their lives meaning. All religions feel that way to me right now. It just seems so very human (and therefore, understandable, but not necessarily correct) to create the idea of an all-powerful being who is watching over us. I told someone recently that I would describe myself as an agnostic with atheistic, Christian, and Buddhist leanings. Sounds like I’m trying to be clever, but that is really where I am right now!
That is why I came to listen to your group. That is why I am reading books by people who did not believe, and then became believers. I want to know how they did it. That is why I read “The Language of God” by Francis Collins. But he didn’t convince me. At some point, it was about faith, which to me means, we can’t quite take you the rest of the way with logic or proof, so we’re going to ask you to leap. Make sense?
First of all, thanks for this email and "yes" you make sense:) This expresses well what a lot of people struggle with as they try to understand what life with God is about. There can be moments on your journey that make it seem like "all the religions are the same"and hence, like you said, thoroughly manmade. And it makes senses that total doubt would follow based on this conclusion. However, as you think about Christianity in particular I would encourage you to consider two things: first, consider your own spiritual quest. Why is it that you are even asking these questions, reading books like "Language of God"? What is it that compelled you to come to Question Group? You mentioned that you are interested in learning about people who came to believe later in life and I would like for you to read this. It is written by a A N Wilson - famous atheist and running buddy Richard Dawkins - who came to realize, about this time last year in fact, that atheism could not explain the mystery of life; it could not explain the mystical reality of his own soul and his soul's quest to meet its creator. Give it a read and let me know what you think.
Second, consider Jesus. He is unlike other religious leaders in multiple ways. One is that he encourages interested onlookers to take a close look at his life and 'count the cost' of what it would mean to follow him. His life is rooted in history (which separates him from fables) and can be studied. In fact, this Wednesday at Question Group we will look at all the non-Christian evidence of Jesus and his resurrection. He is also different because he does not require us to have "great" faith - rather he shows himself to be totally faithful (often in areas where we are not faithful). Jesus says that the smallest amount of faith in a strong object of faith (himself) is what really counts as opposed to having "great" faith in something that will ultimately let you down. Does this make sense?
Curious to see what comments you guys have out there...
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Question Group Last Night ...
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Why would God create people just to send them to hell? Part Two
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Why would God create people just to send them to hell?
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Do I need to know what it 'looks like' to follow Jesus?
Do we need to answer the question: What does it look like to be a Christian?! If so, why? I believe that following God or Christ is an unpredictable story...Therefore, I don't see the point in trying to reconcile what it looks like to follow Christ or be a Christian. It will look like whatever God deems necessary, which can be ugly, scary, wild or even immoral by some standards. Do we need to have an answer to the question What does it look like to follow Christ? If so...why?
I think there are at least three things to keep in mind here: first, there is a real since in which following Jesus looks different for different people because people come to him from such diverse backgrounds. So when Jesus says ‘follow me’ to the taxcollector, his journey and the struggles that will be at war against him in his journey will look and feel different than someone else.
Any thoughts?
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Welcome to the Question Group
The group is driven by the following values:
Inclusiveness – The Question Group is open to anyone, regardless of their beliefs
Honesty – The group will welcome honest, even raw, questions and thoughts about God, Jesus, spirituality and the Bible. It will only be as good as the thoughts and questions expressed, and these will only be helpful if we have the freedom to be honest about them.
Pursuit of Truth – Finally, the group will assume that truth exists and we can know it, even if imperfectly. Though every viewpoint will be respected and allowed a voice, you'll be encouraged to weigh their merits and pursue truth. This might even require some courage and energy to move beyond inherited assumptions.