I received an email recently that basically went like this:
What is the proper "method" to do "preaching" in a church? In this email the writer explained that he knew of "verse-by-verse" preaching as well as "topical" preaching. And he was trying to figure out which one was best in terms of helping him grow in understanding who God is and how to follow Him.
I have also received questions that go like this:
what is the purpose of preaching at all? In this question the poor writer had experienced loads of woefully poor preaching and as a result was turned off by the whole concept.
In addition to these above, I have met a handful of folks at the Question Group who were checking out Christianity but the very notion of having someone "preach" at them was so offensive as to keep them from ever attending a church service.
In response to these questions, let me first admit that I am currently working on a sermon for this Sunday and as I work on it I hope these very questions influence the texture and posture of how I say what I say. I totally understand that the concept of preaching in itself (as well as preferred styles of preaching) in many cases present a barrier for people in even coming to church or, if they do come to church, from enjoying it. So why is it an important part of the Christian experience....why can't we just throw it out?
Several reasons prevent us from doing this but let me just mention one: the means of preaching, oral proclamation, gives its listeners a hint as to how to respond to the Gospel. In Romans 10 Paul contrasts the ineffectiveness "works" in attaining right standing before God against that of the effectiveness of the "word of faith that we proclaim" (i.e. preaching). The response to this proclamation of the finished work of Jesus on the cross [if you don't know quite what this means email me and it can be its own post] is not that of "well, I must work harder and be a better person to gain love and acceptance by God". Rather, it is a confession that Jesus has ALREADY done the work you needed to do and that he is the better person you or I could never be. It is an oral confession and acceptance of his work on our behalf. Hence the foolishness of preaching (1 Cor 1:18) shows us how to respond to the Gospel - to confess and to accept the work of Jesus on the cross....
Much more to be said but I will stop here to see what you guys have to say....