Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What role does 'hell' play in the biblical vision of the afterlife?

There are lots of questions right now about what role, if any, hell/judgement plays in the big picture of Scripture. A famous pastor/writer Rob Bell has a new book out that proposes a controversial view of this topic which has been all over the news. Bell will be in Denver promoting his book in early April so we decided to have a Question Group forum to help clarify some of the issues at stake so that people can sort out for themselves what they believe about the afterlife.

April 6 - "What is the Biblical Vision of Judgement?" This session will be led by special guest presenter - Hunter Beaumont. Hunter is pastor at Fellowship Denver, holds a Master's degree in Historical Theology and is very well versed on the issues at stake with this topic and how the church has dealt with it over the past 2000 years.

April 13th - "Heaven on Earth? Unpacking Kingdom of God according to the Historical Jesus" This session will be led by, well, me. Back in the day, I was a research fellow at Cambridge U. in historical Jesus studies and hopefully can bring some insight on how Jesus viewed the afterlife in what he called "the Kingdom of God".

April 20th - "Understanding the historical background to Jesus' Resurrection" This session will be led by me again and I will place Jesus' resurrection in its historical context showing a number of unusual historical circumstances surrounding this surprising event.

April 27th - "Life after life-after-death: The Meaning of Jesus' Resurrection" This session will be led by special guest presenter - Professor Craig Blomberg. Prof Blomberg is Research Prof of New Testament at Denver Seminary and is one of the world's leading experts on the historical Jesus. We are very excited and honored to have him come and help us understand better the meaning of resurrection.

The Question Group will be held at Dazbog Coffee located on 12th and Clayton and will start at 7:30PM every Wednesday in April. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Few More Questions

Hi Everyone,

Dave and I have noticed that sometime last fall, the excellent questions we were receiving simply stopped coming in for no apparent reason. As you know from the title, this blog is driven by your questions. We find our enjoyment in discovering together what interests you may have in God, Christianity, the Bible, and Jesus, and whether we can share in those interests through meaningful discussion.

Since the questions aren't coming in, I thought we might throw a few your way. We would like to ask you, the reader, to comment on our blog. How can we improve it and make it a useful space for inquiry and discussion? What can we do (or stop doing) to keep your interest alive in the discussion? And finally, what questions would you like to see discussed on the blog?

You can also find our emails listed in the sidebar, if you have questions or comments about the blog that you do not wish to see published here.

Thanks for reading.