Thursday, September 16, 2010

Is predestination just?

Here is an interesting question which deals with the relationship between predestination v. human responsibility. Anyone out there want to take a stab at this?

It seems to me that some people are born with certain personalities (ex. an addictive personality) that almost seems like they didn't even have a chance before they were addicted to something. Are some people predestined to a life with more obvious sins to be examples for others to learn from? If so, is this just, in the sense that some never recover from these habits?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

If life is going OK, why do I need God?

Good morning all. Here is another excellent question emailed to me for the blog. It deals with the need for God. I have a handful of friends who have had a good life and to date have never really felt the need to know God. I also know some folks who have had very difficult times in life and likewise see no need for God because he allowed them to suffer so much. Can any of you out there identify with this?

Why would a person that has lived a virtually struggle free life see a need or desire for a relationship with God? For example, I think the struggles I faced growing up and the poor decisions I made make me appreciate God's grace probably moreso than someone that has lived a virtually struggle free life and just tends to be a "good person".. Where do they find the need for God? Does it take struggles, tragedy, etc. for a person to appreciate the love and grace of God?