Here is an interesting question that was emailed recently:
Thanks for this question. Rest assured, scripture affirms that God judges individuals based on what each one does - we are responsible for our own actions. God shows no partiality (Rom. 2:11; Acts 10:34; Gal. 2:6) and "he will render to each one according to his works" (Rom. 2:6). However, Jesus and Paul ruffled some feathers because neither of them had confidence that if we are judged according to our own works that things would go well for us. Paul wrote "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" and Jesus' core message was that the kingdom of God was coming but that individuals needed to "repent" in order to enjoy it. So we are judged according to our works but according to the New Testament our good is not good enough. This is where the Gospel comes in. The good news is that where we fall short - Jesus didn't. Jesus is really the only one who was ever completely obedient to God (Phil 2). So the Gospel is offensive to us because it calls into question the belief that "I'm not rebellious at all by nature". While there may be a sense in which we don't feel rebellious, Jesus diagnoses all of our hearts as infected with sin (Mark 7:1-21) and in need of his intervention.
More to say but I will stop here to see what comments you guys have.....